Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This Is Why I'm Catholic

Christ beckoned to me from the Church, inviting me to receive Him through the Eucharist to which voices from ancient Christians bear witness. The veil between Heaven and Earth opens and He pours Himself out to us. We are filled through Him: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.


Knight4Life said...

The first statement of this video says much about what other Christian religions are missing. It is not that they are wrong, it is just they don't know what they are missing. When Christ said on the cross, "It is finished", His kingdom was established here on earth (reference Dr. Scott Hahn, The Third Cup). The kingdom (or heaven) is a unity of God and Man, and no other Sacrament but the Eucharist is more of a fullfillment of this of earth... Heaven (or as some say the Kingdom) is here and now. Our generations are the link between the kingdom on earth and the kingdom in heaven.... The kingdom is here and now. We who are united with Christ are already part of His kingdom... Such an awesome concept, such an awesome experience, such an awesome wisdom, and such an awesome God. When I look at my brothers and sisters in Christ, I see Him. In this unity with Christ, we become one with Him and with each other. If only others would experience this phenomenon.

With this wisdom, understanding, and knowledge that we are one with God, nothing should bother us, nothering should frighten us, nothing should deter us from doing what God wants us to do....Love!

Great video. Thanks for sharing.

Esther said...

Dear Knight4life: Thank you for your very thoughtful comment. I love how much you have given me to reflect upon! I long for all my Protestant brothers and sisters to experience Christ in the Eucharist as we do, the fulfillment of our faith. Your last paragraph reminds me that the Kingdom of God is truly the Kingdom of Love, where fear cannot reside. God bless you and thanks for your visit. :)