Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's All About Him

God's hope for me (and for all of us) is to discover more of and burrow ever deeper into His love through whatever we experience in life. Sometimes it's the tough things of life that teach us this. Trials are all about my growing closer to Him; adversity is designed to chase me into His arms. It refines my faith.

I love this picture of the woman washing Jesus' feet with her hair and tears. This Biblical story is special to me, especially now.

I gave a recent, painful mistake to God, and in exchange he gave me hope for healing. God's will is always reconciliation with those we've hurt. I gave God my shame, and He gave me honor, just as He did to a woman who was "unacceptable" in the eyes of others when she scandalously washed His feet.

"My Lord, what love is this, that pays so dearly? That I, the guilty one, may go free? Amazing love, oh what sacrifice, the Son of God given for me. My debt He pays, my death He dies, that I might live." (From the song Amazing Love by Graham Kendrick)

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