It's harder to sit still now; there are so many demands on my time. Even so, I feel a deep call from God to do just that: to just BE. To put aside the prayer books, the reading, the laundry lists of prayer requests that make up my devotional time, and just BE with Him. Drink in His presence. Come to Him with nothingness. Let my contemplative heart come out.
Saint Francis of Assisi said: "When we pray to God we must be seeking nothing - nothing."
It's time to practice being... nothing.
"You have seduced me, Lord, and I have been seduced." (The prophet Jeremiah)
Oh.....so beautifully said. Like taking a deep, refreshing drink.....thank you Esther. I needed to read this tonight....
I too try to take time to just be in God's presence, and remember that we are human be-ings, not human do-ings.
Lavinia: Thank you! I'm so happy it was here for you when needed. :)
Anne: God's still presence is definitely reflected in you. "Be-ings" - that's cute!
Be still and know that I am God. PS 46:10. This applies to so many of the "busy" aspects of our lives when our minds or bodies are so involved in other thoughts, emotions or works. All the energetic "noise" we make! It is a comfort to know that we are invited by Him to just be still and listen to his existence with our hearts.
Thank you for a beautiful place for quiet reflection. Oh, and periwinkle blue - my favorite too!
Cynthia: Well said and amen! (And it's so nice to meet a fellow periwinkle lover! :)
Truly a beautiful post.... I also love your blog banner; so inspirational.... thank you for visiting my house in the roses... so nice meeting you!
So that is why ... sometimes ... I feel even a Hail Mary ... is toooo much begging. Merci, ma cherie.
I know this is true but It seems like I am always asking for something, I need to find time to just sit in his presence and listen to that still small voice. To "let go" and "let God" has been a hard thing for me in my walk with him.
Cielo: Nice meeting you, too! So glad you stopped by. :)
Macile: There is such a dynamic tension between "casting our cares upon Him" and seeking nothing, isn't there? One of those "path pondering" things.
Eve: Me, too. Often my posts are about what I'm in the process of learning; I think it helps me to arrive if I write about it before I'm there.
Nice to meet you Esther.
Thanks for dropping by. I love you
Love what Anne said too. It is good to be reminded of what we really are all about.
Being with Him, the lover of our soul...everything else flows from that relationship.
Dear "A Woman Who Is": The pleasure is mine! Like you, I love to think of Him as "the lover of our soul." I'm glad you stopped by!
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