Baking for the parish bake sale must have seemed a benign activity; but one minute she was reaching into her cupboard for ingredients, the next she was unconscious and helpless.
Do any of us know when our lives might be forever changed? No. But how many of us live as though they might?
Luke 12:40: "You must also be ready, for the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him."
The Son of Man can come for us in many ways, whether it's illness, an accident or His return. How can we be ready?
Be like Marian, and serve Him fervently. Love those around you. Be faithful in your tasks. Believe. Live your spiritual life devoutly. Teach children about Him. Care for your family.
Matthew 25:10: "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut."
I have no doubt Marian has oil in her lamp. She is ready to meet her Maker, if that is God's will.
Her condition is serious, but the prognosis is more hopeful than expected. That's the power of prayer. The people of our parish are storming Heaven unceasingly, saying Rosaries for her, devoting chaplets to her healing, pouring our hearts out in prayer throughout the day and into the night. We love Marian, and we want her back with us, whole and healed. God's will be done...
But we pray that His will includes a miracle or two.
Pray for Marian Wilson.
Sweet Esther - continued prayers for Marian. Love you - Lee Anne
Lee Anne, thank you so much for your prayers for our dear Marian.
I like your photo, BTW! :)
Update: Marian uttered a word today! This is great progress indeed, a miracle of God. We continue to pray... and we thank God for what He has done.
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