Wow! Really? It's hard to think of myself that way. I sort of see myself as a little candle, like the one above, and even then my flame does not always flicker so steadily.
Many candles together can shine brightly for Him, like a holy nation. As Jesus says, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14
St. John calls Christ the Light. Think of it. Light… illuminating, warm, healing, dispelling darkness, revealing truth, filling all space… light.
And this great Light tells us we are His lights in the world, individually and corporately. What an incredible honor, what great responsibility! But take heart - even a little light chases away the darkness, and small sparks grow into great bonfires.
"...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:16
This is heartwarming; and I wish I felt like a light today. In GOD's time; I know. But I am pushing ... sooner than later. I need to ... let go and let GOD. For this strength I pray.
Merci, sweet Esther ... for showing us that we need to be a light to the world; by the way we live. DIEU TE BENISSE!!!
Cajun Sissy
You know...the Micky afair has me confused. LOL! Now I never know if I have commented already or am waiting for approval.
Anyway...your lights shining bright for me...once or twice. :0)
Macile, you are a light always, even when you don't feel it.
Christine, your light shines bright, too. Dare I un-moderate the comments?
Ohe, do not un-moderate. I took your lead ... and now only I have to put up with unwanted notes. I hope he soon ... gets tired of our being non-responsive ... and goes away. But I guess, if he is not punching at us, it would be someone else; so Jesus, I trust in YOU ... do unto me as YOU wish. And give me the grace to withstand ... old red leggggs ... and ... M; %--p
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