Sunday, March 8, 2009

Gone but Not Forgotten

Like a long-lost friend, I return to my blog. The joy I found in writing had, for a while, gone dormant, squelched as it was by a well-intended misunderstanding. I hope that doesn't sound too mysterious; it is not something I can talk about.

What I have discovered while I was gone is how much my walk with Christ is wrapped up in my being able to write about it. Writing helps me process important lessons on my journey. It solidifies in me the things He tells me as I walk, both large and small. The more I write, the more inspired I become and the more joy I find as I continue on the path with Him.

Another benefit of chronicling the spiritual life is seeing that prayers whispered in past posts have been answered, revelations of God's quiet but steady hand working in my life.

Here's to writing, to paths and to the nuggets of answered prayer we find along the way!


Rick Mullen said...

I was wondering why you hadn't written for quite a while. I did not want to pry; and I knew you were very busy.
Glad you're back.
Good start too! Good advice, thanks.
From a beginner blogger, R

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Esther...I know blogging can be a strange endeavor at times, to say the least, but I also find it a creative outlet and worthwhile, I start a post with an idea but it always "becomes" something I didn't anticipate...I've missed your beautiful and inspiring posts. :)

Christine Trollinger said...

So glad to see you back and writing. We have missed your wisdom on the blogs.