When I saw the plug lying uselessly on the counter, it struck me that more often than I care to admit I don't plug MYSELF in... to our Creator, that is. "Apart from me you can do nothing," Jesus said. "I am the vine; you are the branches."
That's great advice, direct from God, so why don't I plug myself in? Probably for the same reason I didn't plug the toaster in that morning. I forgot. I'm too busy, got too much on my mind, too preoccupied with the cares of the world.
I really need that current from my Maker. How far can I get without it? Not far. Like the toast, I might look good for a while from the outside, but then things happen, and I'm caught off guard without His input.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
Such an unique way to think about our connection to GOD's will.
It is odd, how our mind's work; bringing in something ... and then connecting it with the 'saving of our soul'. This was a precious way to word that. Merci, ma cherie for 'things to think about'.
DIEU TE BENISSE!!! Cajun Sissy
Being plugged into Our Creator - I like that concept. It is what the 11th step is all about for me. Thank you, Darlin' for putting into great words...
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